5 Most Underrated Spells in Harry Potter: Magic Awakened

Harry Potter Magic Awakened

Common And Rare Harry Potter: Magic Awakened Spells Worth Investing In

The Dueling Club available in Harry Potter: Magic Awakened is currently the only available PvP aspect of the game. In it, you compete with other players to climb ranks and the leaderboard to showcase your strategy and strength in the game. Deck building and optimization is crucial and many players will collect, upgrade, and strategize their deck solely to dominate their opponents in the dueling club. Many assume that the rarest cards are often the best and try to stack their deck with epics and legendries but there are some unexpected strengths to some of the common and rare cards that are more commonly available that pack a punch. Here are seven of the most underrated cards in Harry Potter: Magic Awakened.

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5. Essence of Dittany (Common)

Many players opt to do full damage spells and summons for their deck but balancing it out with a support card or two can greatly increase your chances for victory. It may seem like a waste to use space for a card that does not damage the other player but trust me, a well-placed Essence of Dittany can turn the tide of battle. Essence of Dittany produces a small circle that heals any ally player or summons that stays within range. I can’t tell you how many times a well-placed Essence of Dittany has kept my larger summons alive to push the opponent around the map. The only downside to the spell is that placement is huge and a misplaced Essence of Dittany has the potential to do nothing.

4. Atmospheric Charm (Rare)

Atmospheric Charm is spell that creates a storm cloud that damages a single target over time as long as they are within range. The storm cloud also moves, albeit at a slow rate, but has the potential to continue to damage the opponent or force them to waste their movement cards. A lot of people already use this spell but the underrated aspect is that most use for extra damage. One crucial detail about the spell is that every time the spell hits a target, it applied a healing reduction debuff which cuts potential healing. So next time, instead of throwing this spell out for a little bit more damage, hold onto it and use it when the opponent tried to heal for maximum effect.

3. Nebulous (Rare)

Nebulous is a low cost support spell that creates a fog around a certain area which provide a small heal and concealing effect to those inside its range. This may not seem like much but when used with cards like the Unicorn or the Norwegian Ridgeback Egg, there is potential to get sneaky and surprise your opponent with a fully ready Unicorn or Dragon straight out the gate. The spell can pairs will to negate big damage spells like Protego Diabolica or Thunderstorm because it conceals any player or summons inside, allowing them to take shelter and hide from potential damage.

2. Protego Totalum (Common)

Another common card, there is only a handful of times that I have seen Protego Totalum being played by my opponents in combat. When played, the spell casts a shield in an area that protects players and summons inside its range. The shield takes a certain amount of damage and dissipates after receiving a certain amount. This card is severely underrated but can be very strong if used correctly. It shields much more that any of the healing cards, has a greater effective range, and last much longer than healing does. Using this to negate damage from yourself or your larger summons will allow you have more survivability and get more out of your summons.

1. Portkey (Common)

Lastly, the most underrated and underutilized card will have to be the Portkey. It doesn’t do any damage or heal or provide any meaningful amount of shielding but what it lacks in defense or offensive ability, it makes up for with its strategic value. It can move players and summons random yet strategically valuable locations to great effect. Once placed, players who touch the portkey will instantly be teleported to a random position on the ally side of the map while summons who touch the portkey will be teleported to a random side on the enemy’s side of the map. When the strongest summons are often the slowest moving, the portkey is a godsend to help them close the distance and get the damage out before they are taken down.

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5 Beginner Tips and Tricks to Harry Potter: Magic Awakened

Harry Potter Magic Awakened

Grinding, Collecting, Building, and More

It’s been about two weeks since Harry Potter: Magic Awakened was released on mobile. After playing through the game, there are things in the game that I wish I had known earlier. I have had so much regret looking back at the time I spent and the resources I’ve allocated inefficiently and wasted because I didn’t know any better. If you are starting Harry Potter: Magic Awakened or thinking about downloading it on mobile, here are a few beginner tips and tricks to help you on your way.

Harry Potter
Magic Awakened
1. Don’t Upgrade Your Cards Right Away

It might sound weird but trust me, don’t upgrade your cards. On my second playthrough, I’ve gone halfway through the second year of the storyline and ranked up to silver using only the cards you start with and gain through the story without any upgrades. You really want to be saving up your gold and resources to only upgrade the cards you want to build your deck with. On my first playthrough, I just upgraded everything indiscriminately and ended up lacking gold and resources to upgrade the cards I later realized were the ones I wanted to build my main deck with. Save up and upgrade once you determine what cards are worth upgrading.

2. Rarer Does Not Always Mean Better

Harry Potter: Magic Awakened has five card rarities: common, rare, epic, legendary, and mythic. The game does a good job in giving you several epic and legendary cards through the storyline and progression rewards alone but stacking your deck full of epic and legendary cards might not be the best. In my current playthrough, I have played twenty dueling club matches and have won all twenty. Most of my deck consists of rare cards, with one of two epics and all can be obtained through game progression.

Harry Potter
Magic Awakened
3. Explore the Map for Rewards

There are tons of hidden caches and chests containing a good amount of gold and other resources scattered throughout the map. I disregarded exploring the map for the most part in my first playthrough but in my second, I was shocked by how much hidden loot is actually out there. Some are harder to find than others, but section of the map has something that you can find. The game offers good rewards to players that explore the game so get out there and seek them out.

4. Join a Decent Social Club ASAP

There are a lot of rewards available for players that join a social club. There are club adventures that you can join to obtain club rewards. You can request cards and trade with club members. Depending on the rank of your club, you can also obtain a good amount of seasonal rewards as well. So, whenever you get the chance, go through the club leaderboard and see if there are any seats available in some of the higher ranked clubs that you can apply for.

Harry Potter
Magic Awakened
5. Grind the Forbidden Forest

The Forbidden Forest is a PvE dungeon that you can continually explore. After you complete a dungeon, you are rewarded with Echos and items. Once you progress far enough, you also get access to Flying Ford Anglia which gives you rewards over time. The longer you wait to cash in on Flying Ford Anglia, the better the rewards will be. The quality of rewards Flying Ford Anglia gives also depends on the level of your progression in solo exploration so the more you grind, the greater the rewards earned.

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