5 Beginner Tips and Tricks to Harry Potter: Magic Awakened

Harry Potter Magic Awakened

Grinding, Collecting, Building, and More

It’s been about two weeks since Harry Potter: Magic Awakened was released on mobile. After playing through the game, there are things in the game that I wish I had known earlier. I have had so much regret looking back at the time I spent and the resources I’ve allocated inefficiently and wasted because I didn’t know any better. If you are starting Harry Potter: Magic Awakened or thinking about downloading it on mobile, here are a few beginner tips and tricks to help you on your way.

Harry Potter
Magic Awakened
1. Don’t Upgrade Your Cards Right Away

It might sound weird but trust me, don’t upgrade your cards. On my second playthrough, I’ve gone halfway through the second year of the storyline and ranked up to silver using only the cards you start with and gain through the story without any upgrades. You really want to be saving up your gold and resources to only upgrade the cards you want to build your deck with. On my first playthrough, I just upgraded everything indiscriminately and ended up lacking gold and resources to upgrade the cards I later realized were the ones I wanted to build my main deck with. Save up and upgrade once you determine what cards are worth upgrading.

2. Rarer Does Not Always Mean Better

Harry Potter: Magic Awakened has five card rarities: common, rare, epic, legendary, and mythic. The game does a good job in giving you several epic and legendary cards through the storyline and progression rewards alone but stacking your deck full of epic and legendary cards might not be the best. In my current playthrough, I have played twenty dueling club matches and have won all twenty. Most of my deck consists of rare cards, with one of two epics and all can be obtained through game progression.

Harry Potter
Magic Awakened
3. Explore the Map for Rewards

There are tons of hidden caches and chests containing a good amount of gold and other resources scattered throughout the map. I disregarded exploring the map for the most part in my first playthrough but in my second, I was shocked by how much hidden loot is actually out there. Some are harder to find than others, but section of the map has something that you can find. The game offers good rewards to players that explore the game so get out there and seek them out.

4. Join a Decent Social Club ASAP

There are a lot of rewards available for players that join a social club. There are club adventures that you can join to obtain club rewards. You can request cards and trade with club members. Depending on the rank of your club, you can also obtain a good amount of seasonal rewards as well. So, whenever you get the chance, go through the club leaderboard and see if there are any seats available in some of the higher ranked clubs that you can apply for.

Harry Potter
Magic Awakened
5. Grind the Forbidden Forest

The Forbidden Forest is a PvE dungeon that you can continually explore. After you complete a dungeon, you are rewarded with Echos and items. Once you progress far enough, you also get access to Flying Ford Anglia which gives you rewards over time. The longer you wait to cash in on Flying Ford Anglia, the better the rewards will be. The quality of rewards Flying Ford Anglia gives also depends on the level of your progression in solo exploration so the more you grind, the greater the rewards earned.

Click Here For The Official Harry Potter: Magic Awakened Website

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Tournament Of Souls: Riot Games’ New Fighter Teaser

Soul Fighters Event Will Include Temporary In-Client Teaser Game For Project L

Back in 2019, Riot Games revealed that they are working on developing a new fighter game to add to their collection of already popular games. Referred to only as Project L, the game has been in the works a few years and it seems, getting close to its possible release. With the new Soul Fighters Event across all Riot Games, they are also including a small sneak peak of what Project L may look like in a League of Legends in-client meta game.

Riot Games’ First Event Since Arcane: What is The Soul Fighter Event?

The Soul Fighters event is the new event coming to most of the games under Riot. It is the first event Riot has released since the Arcane Event back in 2021, two years ago. The Soul Fighters Event will happen across League of Legends, Wild Rift, Team Fight Tactics, and Legends of Runeterra. Each game will be getting a unique gameplay experience exclusively for the Soul Fighters event as well as new skins, champions, cards, game modes, and more. The most exciting aspect of this event is perhaps the teaser to the Riot Games’ new fighter game known currently as Project L.

Riot Games
League of Legends
Legends of Runeterra
Team Fight Tactics
Wild Rift
Soul Fighter 
Project L
Years In Waiting: What is Project L?

Project L is a game that was announced back in 2019 to be in development at Riot Games. Since then, there has been little news and updates by Riot regarding the progress of Project L, expect for one update given in 2021, where they posted a short update about the development progress and that the game would most likely not be released in 2021 or 2022. This led people to speculate that the game could be ready for release by 2023. Not much news about Project L has been available to the public since then but with the new Soul Fighters event, it seems Riot Games is close to bringing Project L to life.

Riot Games
League of Legends
Legends of Runeterra
Team Fight Tactics
Wild Rift
Soul Fighter 
Project L
A Sneak Peek into Project L: Tournament of Souls

Tournament of Souls will be a temporary League of Legends in-client event game combo battler game. You will play as the champion Samira in League of Legends, fighting against other champions from the game to level up, upgrade skills, and become the tournament champion. There are ten opponents that you must beat, and you will accumulate rewards for each victory. Finish the story and you will unlock an expect difficulty mode and even more rewards to obtain.

Tournament of Souls: A Teaser For The Long Awaited Project L

With the release of the Soul Fighter event and the Tournament of Souls mini-game, it seems that Riot Games may likely be planning for a late 2023 or early 2024 release of the long-awaited game Project L. Those of you who have been anxiously waiting Riot Games’ Project L can take a sneak peek and get a small taste of what Project L may likely have to offer.

Click Here For The Riot Games Official Soul Fighter Event Page

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Magic Awakened: A Harry Potter Wizarding Experience

A Review of Harry Potter: Magic Awakened on Mobile

After a few days playing Harry Potter: Magic Awakened, I have finished through the available storyline and have advanced my combat abilities as best I could. The story is unique to the game that follows new and old characters of the franchise, but the story is not all there is to it. The strategies in deck building, swapping cards for optimization for the dueling club, forbidden forest, or even the social clubs, has led continued to keep me invested. The end game offers many things to do, both in terms of PvP and PvE that keeps me continually invested in the game. Welcome to a deeper looking into the Harry Potter: Magic Awakened.

Harry Potter
Magic Awakened
After The Story…

The available story in the game sped through fairly quickly. It only took me a few days to collect cards, build up my deck, and progress through the story that was currently available in the game. But once I ran out of story progression, I did not feel lost or without a sense of direction. There are daily mission that guide you through to discover new things in the game, numerous dungeons that I still have not been able to crack with my current deck, duel ranks that I have yet to be able to climb, and the dancing club that I (frustratingly) cannot seem to advance further than level 5. There is so much more to do, so much to explore, that even without the story, you can continue to play the game without getting bored.

Harry Potter
Magic Awakened
The Forbidden Forest

The forbidden forest is the dungeon area behind Hagrid’s Hut where you can explore the different levels of the forest either by yourself or with friends and NPCs that you invite. It offers PvE and co-op play to defeat the monsters and progress to the end without dying to the various mobs that spawn. There are many paths to take, many upgrades to decide on, and decks optimizations that you must make before you come out victorious from the forbidden forest alive.

Harry Potter
Magic Awakened
Strategizing: Potions, Wards, and Ranking Up

Ranking up in the Duel Club Leaderboard is one of the most laborious and satisfyingly addictive aspect of the game. You create potions, buy equipment, and build your deck, all so that you can defeat the player that you are dueling against in fashionable style. You roll keys for the chance at collecting rare cards and companions, use duplicates to upgrade them and make them stronger, and search for efficient echos to compliment the strategy you employ. Grinding and build are a big part of the game but it gives you a sense of accomplishment whenever you pull the right card or place the final touches a deck right before you head into the Duel Club.

Harry Potter
Magic Awakened
Conclusion: Short Available Story But Addictive End Game Content

After several days of playing Harry Potter: Magic Awakened, reaching the end of the story available so far, and grinding to customize and optimize my deck and duel strategies, I found that the game’s dungeons and dueling content has kept me grinding for more content and cards. Though it can get fairly repetitive at times, there is enough in the game to get you to continue to invest and play the game much after the end of the story. With new potions to brew, new echos to find in the forbidden forest, and cards to continue to upgrade, there is still so much to do in Harry Potter: Magic Awakened.

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Click Here For The Official Harry Potter: Magic Awakened Website

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A Magical Harry Potter Adventure on Mobile

Harry Potter Magic Awakened

A First Look at Harry Potter: Magic Awakened

Harry Potter: Magic Awakened is a new mobile game launched Portkey games that provides a truly remarkable experience into the wonderful wizarding world of Hogwarts. Having only been a few days since its official release on June 26th, we have been more than surprised by the amazing content and story the game has to offer. Welcome to the world of Harry Potter: Magic Awakened.

Hogwarts Castle
Harry Potter
Magic Awakened
The Story So Far…

The game takes place in a time period after the Battle for Hogwarts and the defeat of Lord Voldemort. You follow the story of a new student entering Hogwarts for the first time. Guided through Diagon Alley where you gather the necessary supplies, Hagrid introduces you to such places as Olivander’s Wand Shop and the Owl Post Office before sending you off to take your first steps into the grounds of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There, you meet new characters with unique backstories as well as more recognized figures that have taken new roles in the world of Hogwarts. As you journey through the world, you unveil content and solve mysteries that take you on a unique and magical story only Harry Potter: Magic Awakened can provide.

Harry Potter
Magic Awakened
Professor Gorski
History of Magic
Classes And Extra Curriculars

Harry Potter: Magic Awakened currently has three locations that you can explore: Diagon Alley, The Main Tower, and Hogwarts. Once you get past the required opening tutorials, you are able explore the different areas by walking, fast traveling, or even by flying. The exploration is limited but there is always something to find when you travel through the locations.

While at Hogwarts, you are able to partake in different classes like Divination, Charms, and the infamous Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Each has a unique gameplay that is easy to understand once you get the hang of it. Besides the classes, there is also a Dance Club for users who are more musically inclined that provides an Osu style rhythm beat game gets progressively more difficult the further you advance. Besides those, there is the Dueling Club and the Forbidden Forest that you can visit for those looking for more adventurous alternatives, brewing potions, and much more.

Harry Potter
Magic Awakened
Clash Royale But With Movement

Harry Potter: Magic Awakened offers a card-based combat system similar to games like Clash Royale. You create a deck consisting of different summons and spells that you are able to use during combat to fight and assist you towards victory. Playing your cards in combat costs different amounts of magic which are generate and store for use once in combat. The greater the cost of the cards, the stronger the effect in battle. You are also given a limited number of movement cards that you are able to use to dodge and reposition yourself for greater effectiveness in battle.

At first, you begin with a limited number of generic cards but as you progress through the story, you are provided with stronger cards and are given opportunities to upgrade already owned cards to strengthen both your cards and the deck. You are also able use the given gatcha system to open loot boxes using keys that you can buy or gain through the completion of daily missions and progressions for a chance at greater and rare cards.

Harry Potter
Magic Awakened
Wizard Dueling And Clubs

The only PVP that the game currently offers is the Dueling Club. You are able to showcase your combat skills, deck, and move up in the rankings which, in turn, provides greater seasonal rewards. You are able to join Social Clubs, chat with the members of your House, and even invite them to bunk with you in your room. Adding friends and attending classes together offers great help and allows players to interact and work together to pass some of the more intense class assignment.

Harry Potter
Magic Awakened
Final Verdict: Solid and Accessible

Overall, Harry Potter: Magic Awakened has a unique story with new and recognizable characters that we can journey through with. There is a variety of unique gameplay in the different classes and clubs that Hogwarts offers and the system of card collecting, deck building, and battle strategies allows for the combat to continue to be fresh and new. With additional ways to interact with other players through PVP and teamwork capabilities, Harry Potter: Magic Awakened is a solid and easily accessible game for gamers and Potter fans to dive into.

Harry Potter Magic Awakened Castle Bridge

Click Here For The Official Harry Potter: Magic Awakened Website

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